serial number 310315
Murphy A122 Table model valve
radio 105-250 Volts AC
50-100Hz. This is a conventional superhet covering long, medium and
short wavebands, it was first introduced in 1956. It has four wavebands
(long, medium, short and FM). Valve line up:6F12, EC92, 6C9, 6C9, 6F18,
6LD12, 6F1, UU9 and EM81. This was given to me by Glyn Jones and was in
a sorry state but showed signs of life when first energised. After
removing the chassis and giving it a light clean I replaced the
dangerously worn mains lead and proceeded to check the capacitors. It
was soon apparent that almost all were in need of replacing when tested
with a 500Volt megohm meter. Although the radio works nicely on the
long, medium and short wavebands the VHF section and the tuning
indicator refused to work. I established that a modulated 10.7 MHz
signal injected at the output of the VHF tuner produced an audible
output which seems to indicate that the oscillator in the tuner was not
functioning unfortunately I do not have a spare EC92 or a EM81 so these
two aspects perhaps remain to be fixed at some later date. After
cleaning the cabinet looked quite presentable so the set was put back
together to sit on a shelf.
Back panel
Rear view of radio with back removed
Another view
Underside of chassis showing new mains lead but before capacitor