BSR Elizabethan LZ 32
Reel to reel
tape recorder



Elizabethan LZ32 Reel to reel tape recorder Leatherette covered wooden two part case. Tape speeds 7 1/2" , 3 3/4" and 1 7/8" per sec. The mechanism is the same as the BSR Type TD2 except that it has 3 speeds.  I bought this back in 1983 so that I could play and re-record a tape of my father's farewell speech on to cassettes. Thirty odd years later I powered it up t to find it played well and would fast forward but not rewind. The support arm for the LH reel had seized on its pillar which took a great deal of effort to remove and re lubricate. Now works well. Made in Romford England


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BSR (Birmingham Sound Reproducers) was a West Midland firm which manufactured turntables and record players for which there was a large market in the 1960's. They branched out to produce reel to reel tape recorders such as this which probably dates from about 1965 but the Sony Walkman was their undoing and they ceased manufacture in the early 1980's with the loss of many jobs.