Simpson model 260 Multimeter

Simpson model 260 Multimeter which has a 2000 ohms/volt meter movement is housed in an bakelite case. I have no instruction manual. It is one of many instruments collected by Bob Evans which I have been given by his daughter Alice Kirby

It was very grubby when I received it, would not work on any of the ranges and the batteries which had been in place for many years had corroded the fixings.

I discovered that the meter movement was functioning but after a cursory investigation decided that the instrument was not worth repairing so I decided just to keep the meter.

Batteries two 3 Volt batteries, (Burgess 422 or Eveready 750) and one ("C" Size) 1� Volt battery. Two "AA" cells soldered together  had been  used as replacements for the former.

How old is it? according to this page this appears to be one of the earliest model 260 multimeters and would have been made in the early 1940's or even earlier.

Schematic diagram

Paul R Schmidt has redrawn the original Simpson schematic, as it was hard to follow, had missing critical information, and about eight significant errors. This is the link to the PDF on his webpage

You can find other details about suitable battery replacements on this page